We apply usage limits to ensure the availability of our services to all parties interacting with Youforce. These usage limits depend on your subscription.


The following policies are determined per registered application:

API calls 6000 API calls per day, allowing to retrieve changes every 15 seconds
Authentication calls 400 authentication calls per month
Concurrent rate-limiting (API calls in parallel) 3
Spike arrest policy (max number of API calls per minute) 100 calls per minute

Spike arrest details

Spike arrest is the way we protect against traffic spikes. Our APIs and backend can handle a certain amount of traffic, and the Spike Arrest policy smooths the traffic to the general amounts.

Spike Arrest’s behaviour differs from what you might expect to see from the literal per minute values.

Our default spike arrest is set to 100pm (100 requests per minute). That does not mean you can do 100 requests inside a 1-second. Spike Arrest smooths the number of full requests in a minute by dividing it into smaller intervals:

Per-minute rates get smoothed into full requests allowed in intervals of seconds.

For example, 100pm gets smoothed like this: 60 seconds (1 minute) / 100pm = 0.6-second intervals, or 1 request allowed every 0.6 seconds. A second request inside of 0.6 seconds will fail. Also, the 101st request within a minute will fail.

When you exceed the policy, the API will return response code ‘429 - Too many requests’ and you have to wait for the next time window.