Quick guide to migrate from Youforce to Visma Developer Portal.

Step 1: Create new App in the Visma Developer Portal and Publish it in the Visma App Store

Follow the steps explained in this article.

At the end of this step, the below information should be known:

  • Client-id
  • Client-secret
  • Tenant-id

Step 2: Adjust Authentication Endpoint

  • 2.1 Authentication Endpoint should be migrated from Youforce to Visma Connect. Replace “https://api.raet.com/authentication/token” by “https://connect.visma.com/connect/token”
  • 2.2 Add new key “tenant_id” in the body of the the Authentication request. The value should be filled with your Visma Connect TenantId

For example:

curl -X POST 
 -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' 
 -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' 
 -d 'client_secret=xxxxxxx

Step 3: Adjust File API Base Path

  • 3.1 File API base path should be migrated from “https://api.raet.com/mft/v1.0” to “https://fileapi.youforce.com/v1.0”.

Step 4: Create 4Me request to authorize the new App to the corresponding BusinessTypeIds

  • 4.1 Create 4Me request providing the Old AppId, New AppId and the migration time. At that time, the old AppId will be disabled and the new one will be activated.