BINT - Beaufort Interface

You can find the description of the Beaufort Interface (BINT) here:

Description of the interface

Interface software (zip)

BO4 Incidental Exports

Owner Type Business TypeId Business Type Name File Patterns
BO4 Export 101000 RST OrgEenheid rst_OrgEenheid_*.xml
BO4 Export 101002 RST Function rst_Functie_*.xml
BO4 Export 101004 RST Rubriekwaarde rst_rubriekwaarde_*.xml
BO4 Export 101005 RST Verlofsoort rst_verlofsoort_*.xml
BO4 Export 101031 Organisatie Organisatie*.xml
BO4 Export 101032 Roltoewijzing Roltoewijzing_*.xml

BO4 Bint Exports

Owner Type Business TypeId Business Type Name File Patterns
BO4 Export 101105 Bint C-Quential CQA*.xml
BO4 Export 101109 Bint Medicore MCEPD*.xml
BO4 Export 101110 Bint ISIM ISIM*.xml
BO4 Export 101111 Bint Intus INTS*.xml
BO4 Export 101112 Bint Quebble QUE*.xml
BO4 Export 101113 Bint Pardon Budget PDB*.xml

BO4 Imports

Owner Type Business TypeId Business Type Name File Patterns
BO4 Import 101020 BO4 DPIA100 Import DPIA100_IMP<DATE&TIME>.txt