
The Personnel File manages the retention of documents through one or more retention schedules defined by the administrator of the Personnel File. The ‘/v10/schema/retention’ endpoint lists these retention schedules so documents can be assigned to one of these schedules.

GET /v10/schema/retention

Required scopes





header description
Accept‑Language Specify the desired language for property titles. Multiple languages are supported. Default: Dutch (nl-NL)
Authorization Include a valid bearer token for authorization


Example Request

GET /v10/schema/retention HTTP/1.1
Host: personnelfileapi.youforce.com
Accept-Language: en-GB
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN



200 OK - Successful Response

The request was successful, and the schema information is provided in the response.

    "schedules": {
        "DEFAULT": "Default schedule",
        "CUSTOM": "Custom schedule"


401 Unauthorized - Authorization Failure

The request lacks an authorization header, the bearer token has expired, or the provided token is invalid.

    "type": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7235#section-3.1",
    "title": "Unauthorized",
    "status": 401