The ‘/v10/employees’ endpoint is used within the Personnel File system to query employees and their associated employments. It’s a key tool for locating the correct employee when you need to upload a new document, ensuring that the information is tied to the proper individual and employment record.
GET /v10/employees
Required scopes
This endpoint requires the ‘youforce-personnel-file-api:employees:list’ scope.
parameter | type | description |
active=true | query | return all employees (false) or only employees with an active employment (true) |
top=n | query | The maximum number of employees to return (default: 1000) |
search=expression | query | An expression to search across all fields |
filter=expression | query | An expression to filter the resultset on specific fields |
Note: make sure to URL encode the search and filter parameters
View the menu-item Reference / Expressions / Filtering for more information about creating filter expressions.
View the menu-item Reference / Expressions / Searching for more information about creating search expressions.
Example requests
GET /v10/employees?top=10&search=jans%20OR%20vries
Host: personnelfileapi.youforce.com
Accept-Language: en-GB
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN
GET /v10/employees?top=5&filter=dateOfBirth%20lt%201950-01-01
Host: personnelfileapi.youforce.com
Accept-Language: en-GB
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN
200 OK - Successful Response
The request was successful and returns the employees that match the query. The list may be empty.
"productCode": "HRERPD",
"employeeId": "10030490",
"employeeCode": "600",
"initials": "H",
"surnamePrefix": "de",
"surname": "Vries",
"dateOfBirth": "1968-09-01",
"birthnamePrefix": "de",
"birthname": "Vries",
"gender": "V",
"employments": [
"employmentId": "-",
"startDateEmployment": "1995-03-01",
"organizationalUnit": "Metatech Nederland - Metatech Administratie BV",
"departmentCode": "10641458",
"departmentAbbr": "AFDICT",
"departmentName": "afdeling ICT",
"jobTitle": "#1CC#"
400 Bad Request - Request Validation Failed
This status code indicates that the server was unable to understand or process the request due to client error. The particular response provided here suggests that a validation error occurred while interpreting the request, and it points to the specific problem within the request’s syntax.
In this case, the response detail ‘“Syntax error at position 14 in ‘dateOfBirth la 1950-01-01’.”’ identifies the exact position and content of the error, enabling developers to diagnose and correct the issue. The use of a standard RFC 7231 reference for “Bad Request” also aligns with established HTTP status code definitions, ensuring clarity and adherence to common web protocols.
"type": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6.5.1",
"title": "Bad Request",
"status": 400,
"detail": "Syntax error at position 14 in 'dateOfBirth la 1950-01-01'."
401 Unauthorized - Authorization Failure
The request lacks an authorization header, the bearer token has expired, or the provided token is invalid.
"type": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7235#section-3.1",
"title": "Unauthorized",
"status": 401
403 Forbidden - Authorization Denied
The bearer token does not specify the required scope.
"type": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6.5.3",
"title": "Forbidden",
"status": 403
GET /v10/employees/{nr}
Required scopes
This endpoint requires the ‘youforce-personnel-file-api:employees:list’ scope.
Example requests
GET /v10/employees/{10030490}
Host: personnelfileapi.youforce.com
Accept-Language: en-GB
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN
200 OK - Successful Response
The request was successful and returns the employees that match the query. The list may be empty.
"productCode": "HRERPD",
"employeeId": "10030490",
"employeeCode": "600",
"initials": "H",
"surnamePrefix": "de",
"surname": "Vries",
"dateOfBirth": "1968-09-01",
"birthnamePrefix": "de",
"birthname": "Vries",
"gender": "V",
"employments": [
"employmentId": "-",
"startDate": "1995-03-01",
"organizationalUnit": "Metatech Nederland - Metatech Administratie BV",
"departmentCode": "10641458",
"departmentAbbr": "AFDICT",
"departmentName": "afdeling ICT",
"jobTitle": "#1CC#"
401 Unauthorized - Authorization Failure
The request lacks an authorization header, the bearer token has expired, or the provided token is invalid.
"type": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7235#section-3.1",
"title": "Unauthorized",
"status": 401
403 Forbidden - Authorization Denied
The bearer token does not specify the required scope.
"type": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6.5.3",
"title": "Forbidden",
"status": 403
404 Not Found - Employee not available
This status code indicates that the employee number is not available in Personnel File.
"type": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6.5.4",
"title": "Not Found",
"status": 404